La semaine dernière était la semaine du développement durable. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, cette semaine est toujours très importante pour moi. La thématique du développement durable m'est très chère. Je crois en son importance depuis longtemps, je suis heureux (et même soulagé) qu'elle s'impose avec autant de force dans le débat public.
Samedi, la Maison du Monde et plusieurs autres partenaires dont le Conseil général ont donc pris part à la Journée de la Surconsommation.
Cette manifestation visait à mettre en évidence les excès de notre mode de vie dans une ambiance festive et pédagogique.
Le combat pour le développement durable doit se poursuivre pendant les 51 autres semaines de l'année !
Belle initiative. Montrer l'absurdité de nos modes de consommation et de production concourt concrètement à la lutte contre la pollution.
Rédigé par : Esméralda | 08 juin 2007 à 20:57
(Audio CD) I have been living in Luxembourg, where the main lagguane is French, for the past five years. Two years ago I bought Michel Thomas's French course, because I was tired of not being able to communicate while taking care of daily tasks. Within a few days I was having a go at the lagguane. No books, no writing, just listening to the course on my half hour commute to work and back. After completing the course I immediately bought the advanced course which I also strongly recommend. I now converse daily in French and have no problems taking care of day to day task in French. The measure of lagguane learning is if you can be understood. This is what you will achieve with this course. There has been a lot of criticism from people regarding the lack of vocabulary in this course. This is not a problem. The most important thing is that you understand how sentences are formed and how to use the verbs. Vocabulary will come all by itself (just start reading Tintin commics after you've completed this course like I did.) Do I make mistakes? All the time. Am I useless at French prepositions? Absolutely. Am I understood by the natives. Perfectly. Tell me. What more can you ask for from a lagguane course? You learn to speak French and have a learning curve that is very steep indeed. This will get you there, all my English colleagues are still in awe of me. In my mid thirties and I have learnt to speak a new lagguane, you can do it too, it's a fabulous journey. Good luck
Rédigé par : Gabriel | 16 août 2012 à 00:35