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30 avril 2007


C'est bien que Ségolène Royal ait fait référence dans le débat hier à sa visite au CDAU et à l'hôpital de Corbeil.

Le CDAU est un équipement unique en France, une structure à la pointe.

En avant l'Essonne !

Low carbs is the go-Glycemic Index is based on faulty sccneie. The basic chemistry they used in determining GI is not correct. Please see-GLYCEMIC INDEX- why it does not worK ?Just copy and paste into SEARCH box.Glycemic Load is based on DIRECT measurement of the glycemic response to a known weight of test food. No calculation or estimation of GI from apparent weight of contained CARBOHYDRATE is needed. Although the GI Researchers can't or don't want to understand this, it is a fact

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