« Non, la grande couronne n’est pas l’arrière-cour de Paris et de la petite couronne ! | Accueil | La lettre de Michel Berson n°2 p4 - Mars/Avril 2012 »

01 avril 2012


Jacob Frenkel, a former feardel prosecutor and Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement attorney now in private practice. Similarly, existing ``mail and wire fraud statutes are sufficiently broad to cover predatory conduct by unscrupulous lenders.'' That won't stop Congress, which is forever passing laws to ensure the last problem doesn't recur. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, for example, enacted in the wake of corporate accounting scandals, is getting a second hearing. With increased distance from the accounting chicanery following the bursting of the technology and Internet stock bubble in 2000, it seems that in its haste, Congress may have imposed too heavy a regulatory burden on small businesses, thereby reducing the competitiveness of the U.S.

dit :Es onerosa para encnrtoar gente educada sobre este tema, sin embargo, suena como te das cuenta de lo que est s hablando! Gracias

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