« 8 mai 2012 : déclaration de Michel Berson | Accueil | La tribune libre de Michel Berson publiée dans la Gazette des Communes »

30 mai 2012


It's interesting to find how challenging the content side is for some

Bravo Michel !!!
tu auras de sérieux appuis pour défendre notre département et promouvoir l'Essonne au sein du Sénat.

Clotpoll (41)- The property is aclaluty for my GF. She is starting Med School at UMDNJ (Newark) in August. Her parents refuse to let her live in Newark, for obvious reasons, and they want her to be in a safe enviornment. They also don't want to throw money away on rent, esp. since they have enough cash for a sizable DP, and great credit. They feel in this market they can get a place at a great deal, that in a few years hopefully should at least break even for them. Since she will be in med school, they will own the place for a minimum of 4 years. So thats the background behind it. Place doesn't need to be purchased til July/August, by then 77 Hudson will have completed the lower levels for move-in, and I think be much more desperate then they already are. (This guy calls at least once a week asking for an offer)

Bien votre blog, je vous encourage.

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