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13 décembre 2011


#38 CindyOne small point here is that at the end of the 60 s there was the cry for change. Moving into the 70 s your geoeiatrnn got the changed it asked for. While the 70 s may not have been change to the better it was change none the less. Would it have been fair, if your parents geoeiatrnn stopped the change from happening. Would it have been better to have made the 70 s resemble the 50 s. I think at that point your parents would have short changed you. Today the cry for change can be heard by the next geoeiatrnn. While the boomers can offer sage advice, based on experience, they have to stand aside. The next geoeiatrnn to have the same opportunity and the right to shape the future as your geoeiatrnn enjoyed. Hope you have a great birthday planned.

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